""Listings Updated as of January 27, 2025""
If you don't see your karaoke bar listed, or your dates or times have changed please let me know by going to the facebook page and leaving me a message. ALSO, please LIKE the facebook page.

Places to sing Karaoke in Birmingham, Alabama

 If  using the mobile phone version of this page just click on the ▼ to the right of the word Home and a menu will appear and you can scroll through the days. Just pick a day and click done to see where to sing on that particular day.

Even though I try to keep the info up to date as possible, sometimes there are last minute things that happen. So I recommend that you always double check with the individual bar by either checking their facebook page or website or call them to verify that they are indeed having karaoke as I have them listed in order to save you a wasted trip. 

If you know of a place to sing in the area or have an update on any changes in times at any place I have listed PLEASE let me know by going to the facebook page and leave me a message so that I can have the most up to date info all here in one place. Because, hey, I have had many wasted trips myself to go sing somewhere only to get there and find out that they have stopped doing karaoke or changed the day or time. I created this website in order to save time in looking for places to sing by having them all listed here in one place.

How to use this website on your cell phone.

How to use the website on your cell phone.

Posted by B'ham Singers on Monday, August 31, 2015

Tips when going to sing Karaoke.

Here are a few things that will help you if you are new to karaoke.
  1. If you want to sing more than 1 or 2 songs, then go to sing Monday through Thursday and then get there early when they first start. Because most places start to get busy around 9:00pm and get really busy on Fridays and Saturdays and some places even get busy on Sunday. Yes I know some places don't start till 9:00pm, those places typically start to get busy around 10:30pm. Basically you can figure on a place getting busy around 1 hour to an hour and half after they start. When I say busy, what I mean is that the singing rotation by that time will be around 1 hour long. Meaning it takes the KJ an hour to get through all the singers. It is common for the rotation to be over an hour and a half long on Fridays and Saturdays. So if you get there at 10:30 and they close at 2:00 you will be lucky to sing 2 songs on most Fri. and Sat.
  2. This I can't stress strongly enough. As soon as you get seated write your name on the slip of paper and turn your name into the KJ so you can get into the rotation. Then you will usually have a couple of singers ahead of you, that will give you plenty of time to search for a song to sing. But please turn your song into the KJ as soon as you choose it so as to keep the rotation moving smoothly. Remember, the faster the rotation goes the more you get to sing.
  3. Please be ready to sing when it is your turn. Please listen for your name and then get to the stage in a timely manor as to keep the rotation moving along so you get to sing more songs. Here is an easy way to estimate when you will sing next. Politely ask the KJ how many singers are ahead of you, OR as soon as you sing your first song ask how many singers are in the rotation, then multiply that by 3 minutes per singer and that will give you a great estimate as to when it will be your turn to sing next. This will lessen the chance of getting caught in the restroom or outside talking on your phone and missing your turn to sing. Because the KJ just can't keep track of all the singers and if you don't come up when your name is called he assumes you have left and he will likely remove your name from the rotation. SO PAY ATTENTION!
  4. Please don't point the microphone in the direction of ANY speaker as this will cause a high screeching sound called feedback. Meaning don't lower the microphone while on stage cause there is a monitor speaker in front of you. That is there so you can hear yourself. But if people keep pointing the mic at it, the KJ is forced to lower the volume on that speaker which makes it harder to hear yourself. 
If you follow these tips you will have a smoother more enjoyable experience and be able to sing more songs.

Places to sing Karaoke in Birmingam, Alabama

Click on the day tabs above to find a place to sing tonight.

Even though I try to keep the info here as up to date as possible, some times there are last minute things that happen.  So I would recommend that you double check with the individual bar by calling to confirm that they have not had a last minute change before you go, in order to save yourself a wasted trip. 

But by all means if you know of a place to sing in the area or have an update on any changes in times at a particular place PLEASE let me know by going to the facebook page and leave me a message. so that I can have the most up to date info all here in one place.

Because hey, I have had many a wasted trips myself to go sing somewhere only to find out that they stopped or changed the day or time. That's why I set this site up to help others like me who like to sing and don't know where to go.